Scholar's Profile

Transaction Details

Transaction Number

{{ getAttributeValue('transactionNo', 'transHistory') }}

Transaction Date and Time

{{ getAttributeValue('transactionDateTime', 'transHistory') }}

Transaction Name

{{ getAttributeValue('transactionName', 'transHistory') }}

No Data Found

Personal Details

Application Number

{{getAttributeValue('applicationNo', 'personalDetail')}}

Application Status

{{getAttributeValue('applicationStatus', 'personalDetail')}}


{{getAttributeValue('applicantName', 'personalDetail')}}


{{getAttributeValue('nric', 'personalDetail')}}


{{getAttributeValue('nationality', 'personalDetail')}}


{{getAttributeValue('sex', 'personalDetail')}}

Date of Birth

{{getAttributeValue('dateOfBirth', 'personalDetail')}}

Contact Details

{{getAttributeValue('contactNumber', 'personalDetail')}}

Scholarship Cycle

{{getAttributeValue('scholarshipCycle', 'personalDetail')}}

Preferred Course/Current Course

{{getAttributeValue('course', 'personalDetail')}}


{{getAttributeValue('residenatialAddress', 'personalDetail')}}

No Data Found

No Data Found

Education Qualification Attained

{{index+1}}. {{'-'}}



Commencement Date (Month/Year)


Expected/Graduation Date (Month/Year)


Academic Stream


Aggregate L1R5/CAP/GPA


No Data Found

Subjects with Grades/Scores




Supporting Documents

No Data Found

National Service

NS Status

{{getAttributeValue('nSStatus', 'personalDetail')}}

NS Rank

{{getAttributeValue('nsRank', 'personalDetail')}}

Enlistment Date

{{getAttributeValue('nSEnlistmentDate', 'personalDetail')}}

Operationally Ready Date

{{getAttributeValue('nSOperationallyReadyDate', 'personalDetail')}}

Language Proficiency

Language Verbal Proficiency Reading Proficiency Writing Proficiency
Language Verbal Proficiency Reading Proficiency Writing Proficiency
{{'-'}} {{langproficiency.verbal?langproficiency.verbal:'-'}}

No Data Found

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Level Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Type Position Held Start Year End Year
Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Level Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Type Position Held Start Year End Year
{{CCAInformation.cca?CCAInformation.cca:'-'}} {{CCAInformation.ccaLevel?CCAInformation.ccaLevel:'-'}}
Others - {{CCAInformation.ccaLevelOthers?CCAInformation.ccaLevelOthers:'-'}}
Others - {{CCAInformation.ccaTypeOthers?CCAInformation.ccaTypeOthers:'-'}}
{{CCAInformation.positionHeld ? CCAInformation.positionHeld : '-'}}

No Data Found


Achievements/Awards/Prizes Year Attained
Achievements/Awards/Prizes Year Attained
{{'-'}} {{achievementsInfo.yearAttained?achievementsInfo.yearAttained:'-'}}

No Data Found

Other Qualification/

Qualification/Certification Name of Institute Year Attained
Qualification/Certification Name of Institute Year Attained
{{otherQualificationInfo.qualificationCertification}} {{otherQualificationInfo.institution?otherQualificationInfo.institution:'-'}}

No Data Found

Employment History

Company Name Start Date End Date Position Held Job Responsibilities
Company Name Start Date End Date Position Held Job Responsibilities
{{'-'}} {{employmentHistoryInfo.startDate?employmentHistoryInfo.startDate:'-'}}

No Data Found

Family Particulars

Name As Per NRIC Relationship Occupation School/Company
Name As Per NRIC Relationship Occupation School/Company
{{'-'}} {{familyParticularsInfo.relationship?familyParticularsInfo.relationship:'-'}}

No Data Found

Referee's Details

Full Name Relationship Duration Known (In Months) Name of Organisation Type of Occupation Contact Number Email Address
Full Name Relationship Duration Known (In Months) Name of Organisation Type of Occupation Contact Number Email Address
{{refereeDetailsInfo.fullName?refereeDetailsInfo.fullName:'-'}} {{refereeDetailsInfo.relationship?refereeDetailsInfo.relationship:'-'}}

No Data Found

Write Up

A. Tell us why you are keen to pursue a career in the energy sector. (maximum 300 words)

{{getAttributeValue('reasonToPursueCareer', 'personalDetail')}}

B. Relevant information about yourself to support your application: (maximum 300 words)

{{getAttributeValue('otherRelevantInfo', 'personalDetail')}}

Preferred Sponsoring Organisations

Please indicate your preferred sponsoring organisations.



Would you like to be considered by other sponsoring organisations besides your choices?

{{ getAttributeValue('isViewableByOtherSOs', 'personalDetail') == true ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}


Applicable Outreach Avenues

Where did you first learn of the Energy-Industry Scholarship?



Specify Other Details



Other Scholarship/Grant

Name of Institution Country Course of Study Outcome Application Date
Name of Institution Country Course of Study Outcome Application Date
{{otherScholarship.institution?otherScholarship.institution:'-'}} {{'-'}}
Others - {{otherScholarship.courseOther?otherScholarship.courseOther:'-'}}

No Data Found

Supporting Documents

Additional Details

Have you been or are suffering from any disease/illness/major medical condition or physical impairment?

{{ (scholars.other_IsDisease == true) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}


Have you ever been convicted in a court of law in any country (including traffic offences)?

{{ (scholars.other_IsConvicted == true) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}


Have you ever been involved in any criminal investigation and/or charged with any offence (including traffic offences)?

{{ (scholars.other_IsCriminal == true) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}


Supporting Documents

Scholarship Agreement

Documents Download

No Data Found


I would like to receive information on scholarships offered by other organisations. I consent to the disclosure and use of my personal data and I understand that I may be contacted by the organisations directly for this purpose.