Active Applications for Cycle


{{application_detais.title ? application_detais.title : '-'}}


{{application_detais.status ? application_detais.status : '-'}}

SO Vacancy Submit Date

{{application_detais.projectionSubmitDate ? application_detais.projectionSubmitDate:'-'}}

Application Start Date

{{application_detais.applicationStartDate ? application_detais.applicationStartDate:'-'}}

Application End Date

{{application_detais.applicationEndDate ? application_detais.applicationEndDate:'-'}}

SO Award End Date

{{application_detais.soAwardEndDate ? application_detais.soAwardEndDate:'-'}}

({{totalRecords}}) records found


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All {{selectedRecords}} applications on this page are selected

Applicants who chose your Organisation as their preferred EIS SOs

Name Scholarship Type Institute of Higher Learning Course Status Action
Name Scholarship Type Institute of Higher Learning Course Status Action
{{r.scholarshipType ? r.scholarshipType : '-'}}
{{ ? : '-'}}
{{r.course.toLowerCase().indexOf('undefined') != -1 ? '-': replaceSlashWithHyphen(r.course)}}

No Data Found

Showing {{startIndex}}-{{endIndex}} out of {{totalRecords}}