Scholarship Report

Statistics of Total Number of Applicants and Scholars

Please apply filters to view the visualisations based on the table data below. The visual representation displayed pertains to the latest 15 years of data.

({{totalRecords}}) records found

EIS Application Cycle Scholarship Type Institute of Higher Learning Number of Applicants Number of Scholars
EIS Application Cycle Scholarship Type Institute of Higher Learning Number of Applicants Number of Scholars
{{r.eisApplicationCycle}} {{r.scholarshipType}}

No Data Found

Showing {{startIndex}}-{{endIndex}} out of {{totalRecords}}

Number of Applicants and Scholars based on EIS Application Cycle

Number of Applicants and Scholars based on Scholarship Type

Number of Applicants and Scholars based on Institute of Higher Learning

Statistics of Total Number of Applicants and Scholars for ITE vs Polytechnic

Please apply filters to view the visualisations based on the table data below. The visual representation displayed pertains to the latest 15 years of data.

({{totalRecords1}}) records found

EIS Application Cycle Scholarship Tier Number of Applicants Number of Scholars
EIS Application Cycle Scholarship Tier Number of Applicants Number of Scholars
{{ report.year }}
{{ key }}

{{ value }}
{{ key }}:{{ value }}

{{ value }}
{{ key }}:{{ value }}

No Data Found

Showing {{startIndex1}}-{{endIndex1}} out of {{totalRecords1}}

Number of Applicants from ITE vs Polytechnic based on EIS Application Cycle

Number of Scholars from ITE vs Polytechnic based on EIS Application Cycle